The Bayview Towers Condominium is located at 8591 Riverside Dr. E. There are 13 floors. Here you will find a handful of extremely well priced bachelor units, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units with fantastic views of the Detroit River and Peche Island. The 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units come with balconies. The bachelor units do not. The amenities include – an indoor pool, exercise center, party room and recreation center. The condo fees are affordable for the budget conscious and include some utilities. There is free Wi-Fi on the top floor where the library/party room is located. One drawback is that the units do not have in suite laundry.
The approximate sale price range for units in Bayview Towers as per MLS statistics dated 12 months prior to August 2019 are low price of $157,000 to a high price of $215,200.