The Carriage House Condominiums are located at 3663 Riverside Dr. E. in Windsor. It is a dark rectangular brick building. It was constructed in the later part of the 80s. The units are spacious with a homey solid feel to them. The view is great on most of the units facing the Detroit River. Wonderful to watch the boats go by from the balcony. There is a small indoor pool, sauna, a workout room and a party room. These units occasionally come up on the resale market for sale. The Summit Condominiums are located at 3601 Riverside Dr. E in Windsor. The records show that first possessions took place in the early 90s. It is constructed of green glass solariums and a beige brick exterior. It is located across from a vast expanse of green space known as Alexandra Park. The Detroit River view is relaxing from the solarium with every changing boating scenery. Resale units come up on occasion in this building.
The approximate sale price range for units in Carriage House as per MLS statistics dated 12 months prior to August 2019 are low price of $238,000 to a high price of $360,000.