The Gates of Glengarda Condominiums have two addresses. 5055 Riverside Dr. E for the tower located to the East and 4955 Riverside Dr. E for the tower located to the West. It was previously owned by and the site for the Ursuline Order of Nuns. A large structure home, workplace and retreat to the sisters since 1935 was demolished in the late 90s to prepare for the construction of 14 story high end, luxury condominium buildings known today as Glengarda. Recreational facilities include a swimming pool, fitness room and a party room. There is also a concierge service and a fully furnished visitors suite which can be rented for a fee if you have an overflow of guests. The units have floor to ceiling glass windows to optimize the spectacular river views and there are many with sizeable balconies.
The approximate sale price range for units in Glengarda as per MLS statistics dated 12 months prior to August 2019 are low price of $335,000 to a high price of $875,000.